Innovation Scholars Data Training
Applied Artificial Intelligence for Health Research
Applying deep learning to real world health care problems and adapting to the fast paced field.
Basic R with Data Carpentry
R is one of the most used programming languages in Data Science to perform data analysis.
Demystifying AI
This training aims to upskill all in their ability to use and apply big data in their work and research.
Intermediate Python and Software Engineering
Develop more advanced skills in using Python and start to apply these skills in software engineering.
Introduction to Python for Health Research
Introduction and beyond to the Python object-oriented programming language.
Introduction to R for Health Research
This module introduces you to the R statistical programming language in a health research context.
Machine Learning for Health Research
Harness the potential of machine learning within the medical and health research domains
NGS on the Galaxy Platform
The aim of this course is designed for students without experience that want to process and analyse NGS data.
This NGS: ATAC-seq course will give you an understanding of how to analyse and visualise ATAC-seq data.
NGS: Introduction and pre-processing pipeline
Welcome to our Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) course where you will gain a understanding of how NGS work.
NGS: RNA-seq
Gain a comprehensive understanding of how to analyse and visualise bulk RNA-seq data.
NGS: Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis
This course aims to equip participants with essential skills to process RNA-sequencing reads
Prediction Modelling for Health Research.
A practical introduction on how to approach Prediction Modelling in medicine and the health sciences.
Sequence alignment and BLAST
Analyse biological sequences and explore applications in fields like genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics
Statistics with R
This course will provide practical examples of how to perform statistical tests using the R software.
Unix and IT Infrastructure for Data Analysis
The Unix shell is a powerful tool and can help us work more efficiently.
Using Spreadsheets for Recording Data and Metadata
Prepare data for bioinformatics analyses and improve their data organization skills in MS Excel.